Après avoir obtenu un power up, il est temps que nos héros obtiennent un nouveau robot alright !

Si le corps du Roi Oradeen semblait bien mort, il n’en est rien de son esprit. Il va donc devenir un Mashin phénix cristallin, Mashin Oradeen, et se combiner à un Mashin avion doré, Mashin Hakobu (transporteur), pour devenir le robot géant Greatful Phoenix ! Armé de sa double hache, il est probablement le robot le plus puissant de nos héros.

After gaining a power up, it is time our heroes also gain an alright new robot !

If King Oradeen’s body seems to be dead, his spirit is not. He will become a crystal phoenix Mashin, Mashin Oradeen, and combine to a golden plane Mashin, Mashin Hakobu (transporter), to become the giant robot Greatful Phoenix ! Armed with its double axe, it is surely the most powerful robot of our heroes.

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