Après que notre nouveau héros ait été révélé le mois dernier, c’est au tour de son Mashin de faire son apparition.

Son nom est Mashin Drijan. Drijan parle un langage particulier qui n’est pas humain, mais Takamichi le comprend parce qu’il est aussi capable de parler ce langage.

After our new hero has been revealed last month, it is time for his Mashin to also appear.

Its name is Mashin Drijan. Drijan speaks a weird language that is not human, but Takamichi understands it because he is also capable of speaking this language.

En ce qui concerne Takamichi, outre cette langue bizarre qu’il parle, il est aussi plus fort qu’un humain normal; assez pour transporter facilement quelqu’un sur son dos.

As for Takamichi himself, besides this weird language, he is also stronger than a normal humain being; enough to easily carry someone on his back.

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