Les images se font attendre mais voici déjà de quoi rêver un petit peu plus. Attention, je rappelle que rien n’est vraiment confirmé tant qu’on n’a pas de preuve en image, mais ce listing est très crédible.

En ce qui concerne Ryu Commander, il y aura :

  • Sa figurine vinyle.
  • La Ryu Buckle, sa ceinture.
  • Le Ryutsueder, probablement son Changer.
  • Et son mecha, le Ryu Voyager, qui pourra se combiner avec d’autres Voyagers pour former Ryuteioh.

Until we wait for pictures, here is what to expect. Warning, let me remind you that nothing is really confirmed until we get pictures, but this listing is more than credible.

About Ryu Commander, is listed :

  • His vinyle figure.
  • The Ryu Buckle, his belt.
  • The Ryutsueder, probably his Changer.
  • And his mecha, the Ryu Voyager, that could combine into Ryuteioh with other Voyagers.

Notre 11e héros s’appellerait Koguma Sky Blue et serait donc de la constellation de la Petite Ourse.

Il aurait les Koguma et Ohguma Voyagers, de la Petite et de la Grande Ourse.

Our 11th hero would be named Koguma Sky Blue and thus would be from the Ursa Minor constellation.

He wouold have the Koguma and Ohguma Voyagers, from Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.

Parmi les jouets qui n’ont pas encore été identifiés comme étant à Ryu Commander ou Koguma Sky Blue, nous avons la Kyulette et la Hikari Kyutama (Hikari = lumière). Sont aussi listés le Cockpit Set 2 et les Kyutama Sets 3 et 4.

Among the toys that haven’t been identified specifically for Ryu Commander or Koguma Sky Blue, we have the Kyulette and the Hikari Kyutama (Hikari = light). Are also listed Cockpit Set 2 and Kyutama Sets 3 and 4.

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