Genta reprend le dessus pour un combat final.

George améliorera le Vail Driver pour le transformer en Destream Driver. Genta se transformera en Kamen Rider Destream grâce au Hercules Vistamp. Il affrontera Vail qui se transformera en Crimson Vail grâce au Crimson Vail Vistamp.

Genta will take on the challenge for a final fight.

George will power up the Vail Driver to turn it into the Destream Driver. Genta will transform into Kamen Rider Destream with the Hercules Vistamp. He will fight Vail who will transform into Crimson Vail with the Crimson Vail Vistamp.

Destream aura accès à deux autres Genomes : Komodo Dragon et Crocodile.

Destream will have access to two other Genomes : Komodo Dragon and Crocodile.

Aguilera utilisera le Buffalo Vistamp qui lui donnera les OOOrang Circles.

The Buffalo Vistamp will arm her with the OOOrang Circles.

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