Après l’arrivée d’un nouveau héros, voici venir un power up.
L’un des rêves de Taiya était de devenir pompier. Bundorio le rapprochera de ce rêve en créant le Zoonzoom Shoka Blaster qui lui donnera une armure et le transformera en Bun Red 119 (One One Nine). 119 est le numéro des urgences au Japon (ambulances ou pompiers).
Son mecha sera Boonboom Leon qui se transformera en Boonboom Leo Rescue, un camion de pompiers. Il pourra se combiner à Bundorio pour former le Boonboomger Robo 119.
After the arrival of a new hero, here comes a power up. One of Taiya’s dreams was to become a firefighter. Bundorio will bring him closer to this dream by creating the Zoonzoom Shoka Blaster which will give him armor and transform him into Bun Red 119 (One One Nine). 119 is the emergency number in Japan (ambulances or firefighters).
His mecha will be Boonboom Leon who will transform into Boonboom Leo Rescue, a fire truck. It can combine with Bundorio to form Boonboomger Robo 119.