Quelques informations sur Perle, le petit Zyuman condor du film.

Il est le fils d’un Zyuman condor et est né sur Terre (aucune information sur sa mère). Après la mort de ses parents, il se fait embaucher dans le cirque de Domidoll en tant qu’arlequin. Le cube qu’il tient dans les mains lui montre des visions.

C’est Ririne Sasano qui lui prêtera sa voix.

A few informations about Perle, the little condor Zyuman of the movie.

He is the son of a condor Zyuman and is born on Earth (no informations on his mother). After his parents’ death, he was hired by Domidoll to work in his circus as an arlequin. The cube he is holding in his hands shows him visions.

He will be voiced by Ririne Sasano.


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