Un descriptif du Kindan no Ringo Lock Seed vendu avec l’édition spéciale du Blu-ray/DVD des films.

Faceplate d’Idunn incluse, son jingle sera : Ringo Arms ! Desire Forbidden Fruits !

A quick description of the Kindan no Ringo Lock Seed sold with the Blu-ray/DVD of the movies.

Idunn’s faceplate included, its jingle will be : Ringo Arms ! Desire Forbidden Fruits !

img_main img_catch img_picup img_point110868232_980925391936408_8375729992554582677_n 10868171_980925381936409_5425343799380854698_n 10885533_980925375269743_6606935882931195810_n 10428454_980925385269742_5414726161843189418_n

0 1 minute 10 ans 886

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