Uchu Sentai Kyuranger : Toy Catalogue 2

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Xiao Longpao se transformera avec sa canne, le Ryutsueder.

The pictures confirm the listing.

Xiao Longpao will transform with his cane, the Ryutsueder.

Sa ceinture, la Ryu Buckle, sera vendue avec la Rashinban Kyutama (Boussole).

His belt, the Ryu Buckle, will be sold with the Rashinban Kyutama (Pyxis).

Son mecha est le Ryu Voyager qui pourra se combiner à divers autres Voyagers pour former Ryuteioh.

His mecha is the Ryu Voyager that will be able to combine with various Voyagers to form Ryuteioh.

Les Voyagers de Koguma Sky Blue : Koguma Voyager (Petite Ourse) et Ohguma Voyager (Grande Ourse).

Koguma Sky Blue‘s Voyagers : Koguma Voyager (Ursa Minor) and Ohguma Voyager (Ursa Major).

La Hikari Kyutama est une double Kyutama qui tire sa puissance du soleil et de la lune. Elle servira de power-up à Shishi Red.

The Hikari Kyutama is a dual Kyutama that draws its powers from the sun and the moon. It will serve as Shishi Red’s power-up.

Kyutama Set 3 : Ite Kyutama (Sagittaire) et Hebi Kyutama (Serpent).

Kyutama Set 4 : Otome Kyutama (Vierge) et Ushikai Kyutama (Bouvier).

Kyutama Set 3 : Ite Kyutama (Sagittarius) et Hebi Kyutama (Serpens).

Kyutama Set 4 : Otome Kyutama (Virgo) et Ushikai Kyutama (Bootes).

La Kyulette est une roulette qui fera tomber des mini-Kyutama. Elle sera vendue avec une Kyutama spéciale, la Kyuranger Kyutama.

The Kyulette is a roulette that drops mini-Kyutamas. It will be sold with a special Kyutama, the Kyuranger Kyutama.

Cockpit Set 2.

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